Appeal against:
1. Munisuvratswami Jain trust, Bangalore:
• Public nuisance under Section 268 of IPC and nuisance citing religious activities
under section 133 Cr P C. We are vacating our house, consequently.
• Section 291 IPC: Continuance of nuisance after injunction to discontinue by the
NHRC. Section 320: Grievous hurt: Sensorineural hearing loss.
• Obstructing or annoying passengers in street under Section 59A Cr. P.C.
• Compensation for my family under section 457A IPC as we have decided to
leave the house unable to take the nuisance and intimidation caused by this
2. Mr Moolchand Nagotra [Neighbour to the right of my house]:
• House-trespass to commit an offence (other than theft) punishable with
imprisonment under sections 451 and 453 IPC. His intention was to scare me.
• Public nuisance under Section 268 of IPC and nuisance citing religious activities
under section 133 Cr P C. We are vacating our house, consequently.
• Section 291 IPC: Continuance of nuisance after injunction to discontinue by the
NHRC. Section 320: Grievous hurt: Sensorineural hearing loss.
• Obstructing or annoying passengers in street under Section 59A Cr. P.C.
• Compensation for my family under section 457A IPC as we have decided to
leave the house unable to take the nuisance and intimidation caused by his
3. Kalaji Rao and family[Neighbour to the left of my house]:
• Criminal intimidation of a woman [myself] under sections 506 and 509 IPC
outlined in Section 320, Cr P C.
• Assault on unknown woman recorded on tape, as heard inside my house: Section
354 of IPC, Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005, for the woman
assaulted. Section 195 A of IPC to protect witness [me] as I have taped this
conversation around Kalaji Rao’s family and a woman unknown to me as heard
into my house. Iam unaware if there was a charge-sheet or FIR on the same
although I informed the police about a violent act being committed on a woman
and her shouting.
• Abetment under Section 107 IPC – Mrs Kalaji Rao abetted Mrs Lakshmamma’s
son, to enter my house drunk, demanding work [Section 86 of IPC]
• Section 278: Making atmosphere noxious to health by breeding cats.
• Section 120B IPC: Punishment of criminal conspiracy: Kalaji never complained
about the public nuisance by religious clouts and encouraged them against us.
Finally they placed a complaint in the Seshadripuram police station that we had
domestic motor in our house after setting up power-drills in their own house to
provoke us into criminal action. The police tried interrogating us for this!
4. Police department:
• Seshadripuram police station, Police control room and Police commissioner’s
office for abetment of nuisance and intimidation caused by Munisuvratswami Jain
trust, Bangalore under Section 107 IPC. They committed other crimes collectively
as stated below.
• Section 163 Cr P C: No inducement to be offered: The Seshadripuram police
station made me sign a document saying that I would not be troubled by the
neighbours and conspired to aggravate them instead of taking legal measures. After
they got the neighbours ‘trained’ to frame me I was instructed to keep to myself as
the nuisance and intimidation towards my family continued.
• Public servant disobeying law, with intent to cause injury to any person: Section
166, IPC: the NHRC decree was entirely ignored. The police developed alternate
laws based on their own interpretation of law, to permit processions and nuisance.
• Failure to produce FIR on repeated complaints about criminal actions: Section
202 IPC and section 464 of Cr P C with failure to execute official duties as outlined
under Section 170 to 173 of Cr P C. Section 201 IPC is applicable as the evidence
regarding violence on women was probably not produced before a court of law at
all. No act of nuisance or intimidation against me was registered in a court of law.
• Section 119 of IPC for concealing design to commit offence – I was asked to
‘ignore’ the neighbours when they turned offensive to me. Ignore the stench and
noise, ignore their throwing things on you – the police advised – and the same
crimes were repeated, to intimidate us.
• Section 294 IPC: Obscene acts and songs happened citing Ganesha Chaturthi
celebrations and other ‘cultural processions with lewd body gyrations that the
police gladly brought into our street, despite NHRC decree to the contrary.
• Section 120B IPC: Punishment of criminal conspiracy: The police handed over a
document stating they would control noise and revealed my name to my
neighbours as the complainant. Then they increased processions helping the
neighbours to harass me and aggravated the intimidation. They conspired with
them to close the case of domestic violence and since I had witnessed it and
complained, the intimidation increased.
In January 2010, when Mr Kalaji Rao’s family installed a running power-drill in
his house and lodged a complaint ‘regarding domestic noise in our house’, the
police that had organised processions with 50-100 drums through the road of my
residence arrived to harass me enquiring on a ‘domestic motor’.
They entered my house and asked out the family members to the road for
conversation. After the arguing and screaming on road, the police was seen
shaking hands with Kalaji’s grandson smilingly, having insulted the women of our
house. They tried framing me for the noise but I had filmed the power-drill in
Kalaji’s house by then. Section 320: Grievous hurt: Sensorineural hearing loss.
Court of earlier appeal: National Human Rights Commission
Date of judgement: 23-Nov-2007
1. Disruptive and vandalising activities in the name of religion/culture not
amounting to threat to national security [not dealt with by TADA] – the powers
to enquire and enforce curtailing measures is delegated to the state [Article 19
clause 1, sub-clause b and d and Article 25, clause 2, sub-clause a]. Disruption
includes torture-level noise with usurping roads, drunken revelry etc. If the
highest police authority of state fails, there is no comprehensive law covering all
aspects of disruption – in my case it begins as torture level noise and results in
intimidation and harassment of women of our family as we complained against
disruption caused by a religious place of worship set up, in a residential area,
next door. We need a uniform law for decorum of all religions, cultural and
political gatherings particularly in relation to objecting residents. If my case is
examined the police officials have perversely interpreted the freedom of
movement as licence to vandalise and have tried to frame me around my
complaint! Misuse of religion to destroy utility of public spaces and torment
neighbours cannot be termed ‘moral’. Where ‘religion’ and ‘public order’ clash
and the police don’t know what public order is, nor does the public, [a pervasive
disease in the nation] should there not be a comprehensive law, relevant to all
states of India, to prevent such public disorder in the guise of religion?
2. Women police officials lack objectivity and there are few in the decision-making
capacity. Some of them may behave like goons themselves. The collection and
examination of evidence regarding violence/intimidation of women lacks
technique and honesty. Violated women seldom get justice and there’s no
compensation available that’s appropriate considering the crime and the
criminal may not be incarcerated to an extent, the offence won’t be repeated.
The punishment is not in proportion to the crime. When the basic judicial
process is prolonged to agonise the victim and justice is delayed or denied, the
criminal takes courts for granted. Women officials who cannot interpret the law
and refer women-related cases to the judgement of male superiors for ‘further
orders’ cannot help women victims in times of need.
The harassment violating legal norms in the neighbourhood disrupted by criminality of
neighbours, the people they support and their religious clouts has agonised my family
beyond endurance.
this street twenty years back and has increased heavily over the last four years.
Our neighbour to the right, Moolchand Nagotra, a Marwari Jain, has huge amount of
amassed wealth going into building of a temple and ‘celebrations’ every other day,
disrupting the whole road and neighbourhood. He states the source of wealth is ‘business’.
Moolchand formed a trust few years back to build a Jain temple. Their ‘cultural’ events began
Video of 2007
I met ACP Bipin Gopalakrishna and lodged a formal, written complaint in 2007. When that
did not work, I appealed to the NHRC. The National Human Rights Commission issued
instructions to keep peace in this zone and mailed their decree to the Commissioner.
Excerpts of conversation with ACP Bipin Gopalakrishna:
Bipin explained how powers are delegated so the ACP of the concerned station took sane
action. But consecutive ACPs decided on assisting whatever Moolchand did. Moolchand had
the power to call the ACP or any politician for ‘cultural’ events here, that disrupted the whole
neighbourhood and the police found it difficult to get him to behave. So they joined in.
Moolchand put on lights around the temple and conducted ‘celebrations’ more frequently
They provided him ‘protection’ cordoning roads throwing the NHRC decree to dust. I had
provided video evidence to NHRC regarding the processions each month between 2007 and
I cannot make out who allowed the construction of a noisy temple in a residential
area, how permits were done , whether a ‘No Objection Certificate’ was provided by
authorities, instructing him with the decorum of a residential area. I don’t remember
signing a ‘No Objection Certificate’ being informed about the consequences of building
the temple.
Since he resorted to goondagiri to subdue people, nobody was able to stop this person or the
members of his gang. Drivers just honked around a road cordon by him and left through other
roads, cursing. Some neighbours joined hands with him, discrediting our situation. We, the
immediate neighbours were helpless and since both of my parents are hypertensive, felt his
aim was to get rid of us.
JPEG File : MEDICAL prescription .jpg
On September 4, 2008, Moolchand brought in a live band early morning, again violating
every promise the NHRC and the Police made. [The police had promised by document after
NHRC decree, they would take measures against people offending]. I had to complain
everyday but he was going scot-free and we were getting harassed. We felt that the police
was betraying us.
the law, citing religious reasons, and so the question raised by them was why our family
should be living in Kumarapark. They clogged the 5th cross and a perpendicular road with
their pillars, in a power struggle.
After the NHRC decree, the Subrahmanya temple decided to tone things down
but the Jain trust wreaked havoc. In fact the trust seems to have plotted revenge very well,
using the police.
I also have attached the Ganesha procession permission was provided for, violating the
NHRC decision and the promise by the Police. These decrees are on paper but nothing was
done in reality. There are about 50 trumpets, at night, violating the Supreme Court
regulation and Karnataka Police Act B provisions. We were stupid we trusted anybody at
all. You can observe the drunken, shameless youths doing stuff that represents ‘Indian
culture’ today. Any legal authority will interpret noise related laws as provisions to avoid
negative physiological/other consequences to human beings. Both, the police and neighbours,
seem to interpret these laws as cut off lines for what they can do up to what time. When a
resident objects to ‘cultural torture’, I cannot comprehend the legal authority anybody can
have, to provide permission for this to be done in front of that persons’ house, disregarding
objection, ignoring the law, in a democracy. If the Commissioner is God he can reverse the
physiological consequences caused by his permits, to us. Or else justice is, the Police
Department should have compensated us for the harassment we underwent
and take measures to help, not on paper but as an event in reality. Especially after we
presume they have been educated by the honourable judges of the National Human Rights
Commission who went over the entire appeal and wrote to the Commissioner to exercise
discretion regarding this issue.
There’s no culture to cultural events and reckless police permits are being given to
processions. These processions bring in drunk, smoking perverts, hijras and camels and
other strange people who will never account for any mishap, nor will the Police.
Drums are burnt and wretched things I cannot even comprehend are done on the first video
mentioned below.
Where money buys the police and peoples’ lives have no meaning, this is not very difficult.
The relevant videos are :
september 4,2008,night, ganesha procession
The Jain temple is lit up next door ... their celebrations were so regular and flamboyant.
On September 5, at 10.30 p.m, Hoysala 2 with Police officials abet a procession of drunks,
right infront of our house, violating the Law, in contempt of the NHRC judicial process
and human rights [Hoysala police van can be spotted],
Videos :
september 5, 2008,10.30 pm, GANESHA PROCESSION
Two days later, September 7, 2008, the same thing repeated with more violent noise and
children were used for many things including distribution of sweets and looking after
electrical wires!!!People just walk into houses and cannot be stopped when such an
event occurs and the police troubles residents who object and advises them to tolerate!
This negligence over what children get exposed to, at processions, is similar to what happens
every year when children are left unguided, during Diwalis. The drunken revelry of adults
seen on the videos, is uneducated. It’s clear the police saw to it that the size of processions
and noise levels grew over time after the NHRC decree, as if in vengeance. They were
probably annoyed they were questioned in court. So they brought this Ganesha procession
into the street.
Videos :
september 7,2008, NOON
Terrible events followed as I had complained to the police and then to the NHRC.
I don’t know how the Moolchand’s clout befriended the other neighbours to corner my
family. Our neighbours to the left, Mr Kalaji Rao and family collected popular support from
people around including their tenants to make life unliveable for us. They turned friends with
the Marwaris to trouble us. I was called a non-God-fearing monster who was unmarried and a
doctor from a Brahmin family who had ‘fallen’ according to Kalaji Rao’s wife. They kept
saying my parents had not brought me up right and one day I had to yell back.
A year back, we heard conversations amounting to quarrels and we heard the voice of some
woman with Mr Kalaji Raos’ grandson and his family, threatening to commit suicide,
and alerted the Police. We recorded the voices from our house, we were in fact scared to get
out for fear of what they flung at us when we got out. These quarrels happened at a window
close to our house scaring us. The girl is saying, “Who are you to kick me and all?” on this
video. This video is around August 2008 but these things scared us earlier, only now there
was a life threat to someone.Video [recorded August 2008] :
The grandson [I don’t know much about his education or employment] regularly shouts till
we yell back at times. You can hear him say ‘Take that, take that’ on another clip and
screaming... Video [recorded August 2009] :
Our family has been witnessing constant quarrels and we were quiet until they loudly
quarrelled this way – we alerted the Police. The Police acted like they enquired and told us it
was nothing and got me to sign a document the family would not trouble us. But Kalaji’s
family continued quarrelling next to our window and uttering abuse at me and stalking me.
The police never filed an FIR or charge-sheeted them for violence.
Video :
The stalking and cursing can be seen on:
Video on folder:
If the police destroy documents or don’t listen to the complaint, they presume it means no
crime was committed. Or they simply act like they are the law. They ‘instruct’ offenders
and get victims to sign documents instead of beginning a trial. The aggravated offender
turns further injurious to the victim.
Kalaji’s grandson bred cats in cages and the excreta caused an unbearable stench only for
our house and if Health Inspectors asked, brought in the SPCA. Generally he was gallivanting
with a gang and his mother was seen with a stick around the cat cage making the cats scream
while the grandmother reprimanded the cats, to agitate us further, after creating the stench.
Although they are not supposed to keep more than two neutered pets in that area, they never
bothered beyond troubling immediate neighbours, getting them to scream and urinate next
door. Our chejja was filled with cat excreta.
The videos of the cat cage and then her reprimanding:
Then Kalaji’s grandson, Abhishek, would begin to run his car without a silencer in several
sessions for a long time to cause vibrations as seen on the video particularly to intimidate
when our family members were out. When he arrived home with a gang at night, our sleep
was lost.[KA04P6037].
As they found us agitated and complaining against them, Abhishek and his supporters
increased the noise made with other vehicles too. Complaining to the Traffic Police
lead to their getting fun out of it. Now other people helped them make noise using
vehicles without silencers that whizzed past. They have high frequency woofers on music
systems that vibrate the buildings and the drivers took pleasure creating nuisance.
The police just listened everytime we complained and complained back to us about how
unruly youths are! Kalaji’s wife stalked me and said, “Go wearing those clothes to the police
station and see what they’ll do to you.”
It is definitely difficult for women from our house to travel safe today, more so in the
Seshadripuram area, especially in this neighbourhood. The neighbours to our left had given
the lower portion of their house , on rent to ‘Vignesh Industrial Services Private Limited'
an industrial retail. [Now it’s rented to another retail but Vignesh’s activities are seen below]
The problem faced by the women of our house was:
1. Psychotic people in trucks arguing day and night and creating ruckus in the
residential area and incessantly polluting the street with smoke:
regular truck driver altercations next door
2. Littering groups of people who stared at us passing by:
This video includes a group of Vignesh employees and the people who work for the person
who owns the place in front of them. Together, they formed an aggressive and intimidating
group, cluttering and smoking in front of our house and shouting loudly.
3.Smokers from Vignesh who polluted the air and made it impossible for us to live in our
house. They began smoking to my face defiantly when I went out. They did it stealthily
after I complained to the police with videos and both got to know I would keep evidence.
september 11,2008, smoker of neighbours truck shouts, discards cigarette at doorstep
4.Smoker - owner of the house in front [this person blocks our house entrance with his
vehicle sometimes]. The video:
The neighbour to the left Mr Kalaji Raos wife [and the grandmother of the person who runs
the car without silencer]followed me with verbal obscenities and I began retaliating
for fear of life. She began telling people vicious things on me, including vendors roadside.
She would follow everything I did, to mount up response. She has said “Jorag haaktaal avalu,
bevarsi, totti”, on the next video. I was a ‘bastard, dustbin’ etc because I would mask their
quarrels in my house putting on television. They sometimes banged on my window with a
stick. Video of her obscenities:
When she got too abusive personally, I had to verbally retaliate. The problem is, she catches
hold of people like construction workers and BBMP street-cleaners and speaks at length to
them and tips some of them for errands and teaches them on our family. She provokes and
bullies and when I retort, calls everyone including the police to watch. It continues to date.
She bribed the BBMP worker, Lakshmamma, who has psychotic tendencies and the
BBMP workers’ son entered our house, drunk, when only the women were around and began
following us, asking us for tips/ errands. [Lakshmamma is a frail woman who was gradually
trained by the ‘big’ people, our neighbours, into turning criminal, through bribing. How
exactly the BBMP has employed such a frail old woman is beyond comprehension. She has
turned an established goon on the street].
The BBMP worker had left a pile of garbage in front of our house for months as she had
been tutored to harass us and Kalaji’s wife would add to that garbage thrown from her
balcony and the littering people would add to it.
Evidence Lakshmamma’s son trespassed to our house drunk: [given in Kannada by one of the
construction workers]
evidence lakshmammas son trespassed drunk
Video of Litter:
pile of garbage
Kalaji Rao’s wife had thrown non vegetarian food into our house as we are vegetarian
and the then Circle Inspector, who we complained to, had seen all this and warned the family.
Unfortunately the problems caused by them increased.
The construction workers, she befriended from the new construction in front of their house,
acted crazy and fought through the night, drunk. Again, we had called up the Police
practically every day.
Irresponsible lay-abouts who caused accidents, targeting women, were regular features in
front of our house. Here their number is well established. The same clout was seen burning
drums, abetting neighbours to create nuisance and quarrelling in other videos.
If they are questioned why they do that, they get back to their ‘work’ using a power-drill
unnecessarily or banging on the walls of the five-storeyed illegal construction they are
putting up. There is a scheme called ‘akrama-sakrama’, where, all by-laws can be flouted
with a petty fine these businesspeople manage. It’s something like a state-permitted illegal
Some of the people on the road don’t even work here – they are seen loitering around and
they are used as informants and trouble-makers. If 30-40 people are seen daily, how should
women whom they target wade through?
The people who came to our Kalaji’s house got informed on us and blocking the
entrance to the gate of our house, with their vehicles became a regular feature.
Vehicle KA04 MB 9269 [from their house] moves out after we question them and the
layabouts are seen on the second video below…this loitering and laying about was dubbed
‘freedom of movement’-
Unauthorised vehicles block house entrance2
This was done to watch us get annoyed for their fun, when they found it agitated us. Seeing
us miserable on a day to day basis had become their agenda and the torture our family faced
went up. They provoked us to yell back, ganged up in a crowd and called the Police to have
fun heckling us and the Police seemed to be happy with this arrangement! If I was kept pre-
occupied with abuse, how could I complain? And who could I complain to?
Mr Kalaji Rao had managed to split our family saying, “We are brothers”, to my father, to
single me out for harassment. My father would scream at me saying my fears were imaginary
and I was aggravating neighbours unnecessarily. When their criminality endangered him,
my father was convinced that the women of his house had problems. When he resisted their
harassing me, they started recording his retorts dubbing him a quarrelsome person!
The police abetted the neighbour Kalaji to gather a crowd and run around maniacally calling
me out and saying I was mad. Incidentally, the Hoysala had a transferred official whom Mrs
Kalaji Rao called just to torture me in front of a gang she had gathered. I wept then and my
parents got out of the house and found what she had done.
Kalaji Rao went around the road in front of the crowd calling me ‘mental’. My parents began
looking out for a new house immediately and all the properties were costly for people who
were not corrupt politicians, businessmen or police.
I complained to the Police Commissioner after that. To my dismay, he enquired initially but
supported them later. Iam not sure who had altered the documents in his office, so no
complaint was recorded. If there was a record and FIR, then why would they induce me to
sign that Kalaji’s family would not trouble me and allow them to torture me later? And ask
me for a new written complaint on September 5, 2009, at the Commissioner’s office? There
is not record of the complaint in the commissioner’s office – no FIR, no documentation at
The public nuisance by Jain temple amounting to torture had abetment around my house and
the videos are provided for 2009. The documentation consequent to the judicial process of
this case until then is on:
NHRC decree:
Seshadripuram police made me sign that Kalaji’s family won’t trouble me and that
Moolchand did not celebrate more than once a year! This false statement was filed:
Seshadripuram police gave false reassurance that they would control the nuisance:
The next political venture of Moolchand was ‘medical camps’ obstructing the road ahead.
How exactly a charitable religious trust has the money to throw around pomp and
splendour to obtain permits to cordon off roads in a residential area while their children
create noise running their SUVs and CBZs is anybody’s guess. How are people equipped to
treat patients if there are emergencies, on cordoned roads where they are set in line for check-
ups and are named on speakers like school attendance? These videos show such crazy
medical camps set up:
Obstructing vehicles and strewn slippers on roads are symbolic of the decadence of life for
other residents. The police who were supposed to prevent such illegal activities seemed to
have cordoned roads and encouraged the same, so it is not difficult to say who was
responsible. People had to take other routes avoiding this road. We were tortured by the noise
and a public place was being permitted for use, by police, illegally. They have not rented out
a private place for the charity stunt. It’s happening on roads! It’s in the Kumara Park area
where people can afford good hospitals and not in a rural area where there is need. It’s not
difficult to gauge the motive. Why should we, the immediate neighbours, take his nonsense
if he intimidates us, ruins each day for us with noise and road-blocks and justifies himself
with some paapa/punya story to derive a sense of purpose for his criminal actions?
Inspector argues he can permit from 6 am to 10 pm in spite of my appeal and NHRC
decree...even as I tell him he cannot do so, ruining a whole street.
One video on August 17, shows the cop asking me if the microphones are there, listening to the background and hanging up on me! Pre-meditated as their response was, I believed they aggravated the neighbours into ill-treating me. Whatever they made me sign, they would teach me a lesson for complaining! My several calls to police which got hung up and where I could not reach control room or received false reassurance can be heard on videos of aug 16,17,18 2009. One clip among the calls to police on August 16,2009 shows I called up the control room after 10.30 pm as nuisance continued.
It’s easy to make out how many officials failed. My name got more famous with the people
that intimidated me as the officials revealed I was the complainant each time! This had the
disastrous consequence of increased nuisance and intimidation. Since they had a pact, my
complaining was ‘nuisance’ for them that they would get around with, with many tricks.
The nuisance can be traced growing from 2007 to 2009. They were blatantly getting permits
to act the way they like as the police probably orchestrated everything.
A clip on August 16,2009 shows a child around twelve, riding a scooter, moving out of the group. The number of children we are losing where parents are permitting them to show off their riding skills is on the rise. But if the parents are prone to goondaism, parking their vehicles blocking our house and meanly retorting when we ask them why they did it, what would they teach children? How do they cover up when mishaps happen to others because of their waywardness? ‘Getting around officials’ is easy, so they seem to believe they will get around destiny building a temple. Where do they get the money to install lighting and speakers and decorations when the state has a energy crisis almost
every day if they are a trust? The videos through the month of August are astounding! Police
facilitated nuisance for the cause of ‘respectable citizens’ and their religion...
august 2 2009
august 9. 2009
videos on august 17 2009
In fact I developed colitis and abdominal pain as I could not use the toilet facility in my
The noise extends beyond 10 pm and there is an added bonus to this, the nexy day, by the police.Brides and grooms are seen in chariots on roads with lewd dancing in front of our house like on clips:
on august 23, 2009.
My voice turns psychotic when I listen to officials stating a perverse interpretation of a legalclause sans consideration of the real essence of the judicial process that lead to the Supreme
court legislation and the NHRC decree. What was their benefit troubling neighbours and the
public – I could not comprehend that entirely. The barricades of High Ground Police station
borrowed for cordon stood close to the footpath here and are seen on earlier videos.
The police reversed the cause of the Supreme Court Regulation, 2001, regarding noise
which came into effect as a woman suffering injustice could not be heard. The police
saw to it a woman suffered and would not be heard. I got admitted to hospital unable to take
their insanity.
Of course they have the right not to let me sleep in my house...mornings were usurped by
noise – who cares about laws and courts when the Seshadripuram police protect offenders?
The Ganesha festivities of 2009 added to agony considering the fact that the Police station is
so mad with us... Video of police state with petty politicians and people rejoice at that…
Videos on august 26:
The police point me out as the ‘aggressor’ to people who brought in the procession – They
look like goons on august 26.
This video shows the procession began after 9.30 pm – [on august 26]
This video shows the police laughingly saying to me that DCP Ramesh permitted them to
bring the procession to 3rd Cross, Kumara Park West… [on august 26]
All these processions definitely crossed the deadline of 10.00 pm on august 26 given by the
supreme court.
This video graphically shows vulgar, lewd body gyrations being done in front of children,
assisted by police, creating a riotous noise that they claim is for God. Possibly these are
drunks too – the police accompanying them can enlighten further.
On August 30, 2009, I was in the police commissioner’s office and was told by the DSO that
he cannot simply stop processions because one family wants it! I should return later as it was
the commissioner’s son’s wedding! He also said something about my ‘breaking the law’
which he has to elaborate himself. I was given the contact details of the local ACP whom I
did not call, considering the complaints I made to the earlier ones that caused vengeance
instead of help. I was scared to complain at the perverse block that’s Seshadripuram police
station. He offered an escort home on the Hoysala van and I refused as I knew the police by
now. When I left the DSO was muttering something like ‘ahankaara’ – his wrong
interpretation of ego. This folder shows the kind of noise and lewd dancing that was seen on
our street on August 30, 2009…
When I tried complaining in person to the Police Commissioner, Shankar Bidari, on
September 5, 2009, I was aghast at his PA’s language over the ‘false complaint’ of
some woman in a loud voice. I strictly mentioned I got there to meet the commissioner
and not listen to nonsensical foul-mouthing.
I had waited empty-bellied up to 12 pm so his press conference could be over and he could
talk to me. The officials made women stand in a line at his office entrance – there were only
two of us! Shankar Bidari rudely asked me give a written complaint again or return at Janata
Darshan! He said he could not help me as it would question the ‘freedom of movement’ of
others and refused to look at my video evidence. Obviously, assisted trespass or vandalism in
the name of religion turned a fundamental right! I was convinced the police had done this in
absolute vengeance and decided to move court and never call them again.
I just hope they don’t say they ever saw me, so the evidence below:
pol com.jpg
The video of office after I moved out with the ‘help’:
September 2009 was another spate of lunacy by the Jain temple...Our helplessness aggravated
them. But by now, since I was sure the police was instigating as much trouble as possible for
my family, I did not complain.
The september 6, 2009 videos.
A Shirdi Sai baba procession was directed by the police into our road, in September.
No way out for justice and with the torment increasing, I placed a plea with Lokayukta.
Justice Mr Santosh Hedge said, “These people are cruel. If they know you have placed a
complaint here, they’ll worsen it for you. Give a complaint on plain sheet. The upalokayukta
will take the matter up with grade 2 officials. Don’t tell me anything more about the people
in my department. I know everything. We’ll see what can be done.” That was actually the
first honest assurance by an non-corrupt person. I was a nervous wreck sitting in his office
as I received the news my maternal aunt was seriously ill [cancer]. Each document I made
where I had to say what the police had done here, my hands shook. Again, not every
policeman is like the ones in Seshadripuram police station or like the commissioner. My
experience with these people has been torture.
The Lokayukta took an anonymous petition:
CASE NUMBER: COMPT/UPLOK/BCD/424/2009 – The receipt is file:
Lokayukta receipt.jpg
They handed me a receipt on 28/08/2009. They had no jurisdiction over errant trusts but
said they would question the officials involved. Did my neighbours care for any of these?
Things worsened back here...
Meanwhile in November, Moolchand Nagotra had booked Fortis hospital to conduct medical
camps!!! Loudspeakers and occupying the road again!! What I felt bad about was, how could
Fortis participate in political stunts? If they had a service motive, why disturb the residential
area? At least they could have told him not to use loudspeakers disturbing people. If there is
no political motive, why such vulgar loudness? They could have done it privately. The videos
of that day which was ‘comparatively less noisy’ but ridden with loudspeakers:
Another problem began. When the neighbours quarrelled and I yelled back, they began
publicising that. Later on I put on TV to avoid listening to them and they called the police for
that. This video shows Mr Kalaji Rao who complained against the motor in our house, sitting
and reading peacefully in his balcony through the band of Jain temple on November 2, 2009.
He is happy with live bands, granite and marble cutting but yelled at the women of our house
when a motor ran [particularly when my father was out], and placed a complaint of domestic
noise with the Seshadripuram police. He’s peaceful with live bands on this video:
Video of November 2, 2009
He’s happily watching the procession and peeping on this Video :
september 4,2008,night, ganesha procession
Yes, this skyscraper for which granite-cutting was done, every day for three years, is
when he complained! He was running a power drill in his house for a renovation from August
2009 to January 2010 and we had loud banging noise and drilling sound going on. Kalaji
coolly complained on our ‘motor’ and the police arrived on December 30, 2009. It’s difficult
to say what transpired between them. I was given the explanation this policeman was a
‘transferred official’ but I don’t know how the police department has no record/log of my
case. It was vexatious entry with malicious intent to intimidate. This was the first policeman:
Sometime later, on December 30, 2009, my neighbour Mr Moolchand Nagotra entered our
exactly that [blackmailing] to us and we had not noticed it. My father telephoned him and
asked why he did not speak to the man of the house in his office and chose to target a lone
woman, he threatened my father ‘with consequences’. My father filed a case of trespass on
him with the Seshadripuram police station.
He came to question a ‘motor’, which Kalaji Rao probably had asked him to do, as the sound
could not even reach Moolchand’s house! Our domestic motor is shielded by his walls and
we don’t keep the loudspeakers or drums openly on the streets like him. He had organised
the noise of the Jain temple which Kalaji Rao enjoyed and encouraged. But now they had
conspired with the police [where we had asked for help] and together, they targeted us. The
judicial process of the country up to the apex court was nothing for them. They had their own
law that they dictated on everybody. The police assisting them may have ‘reasons’ I cannot
fathom too.
In 2009, Moolchand Nagotra began giving cards for 3 kg free rice and crowds of poor people
gathered, to collect it, which increased nuisance as he cheated on his promise. The mob was
dispersed violently by the police, which they refuse to acknowledge now.
When Chief Minister Yeddyurappa came to pray at the Subrahmanya temple to pray for New
Years day, my father spotted him forcing the CM to enter his temple! The Chief Minister
could not ‘discriminate’ and suddenly he was forced to go there for a while. Moolchand’s
political stunts increased by the day.
We cannot fall further prey to the nonsense and intimidation to suppress our resistance.
Evidence by domestic help Mrs Jayalakshmi, that he gave these cards:
Two police officials came to enquire about criminal intimidation on me on December 31,
2009 and I don't know whether a FIR or charge-sheet was made. Then I got to know
something had transacted between the neighbours and police – they just probably faked
listening. The woman police was shown all the videos of violence and vandalism around the
area but I did not know she had been to my house to create problems for me!
The police officials are seen on photos:
On Jan 1, 2010, Moolchand Nagotra’s terrace was equipped to rip our building with their
celebrations – the person who has problems with motors and has created noise and
intimidated us for 10 years!
The guests danced vibrating the common wall and we got heckled and booed if we
we were seen at our windows. So, I tried to figure out if it was a bhajan again and it was
movie songs this time. It went on till 1.00 am.
Now the police was relieved. My family could be tortured and we would not even
complain!!! How convenient.
On January 13, 2010, Kalaji and family tried framing me by provoking when only my mom
and me were home [They say it's worthless to talk to us and begin swearing on the following
videos].This is done to film us if we did anything provoked by them. After all, my mom was
not violent. She turned giddy when she was hammered by questions of Abhishek’s wife.
Bully Abhishek began calling me a 'stupid arse' and his wife said, "Film other men." I did
not know the stalker Abhishek was her husband and she came accusing me asking why I
filmed his car without silencer when he tried intimidating my family with it.
He started the car, then looked at me, sput and hurled abuse when I got out with a camera,
as there was a horrible noise, to find out what happened. This was done to pull me out of
the house to frame me. His wife then began speaking in an advisory manner about ‘respect to
elders’ and when I said, “I know”, she realised I knew what they had been up to and began
saying, “You have no right to comment on me.” She had followed us to our gate, we are seen
inside our house and then her family members came out to pass nasty comments on videos
Her mother-in-law began filming me brandishing their camera. Then the grandparents
Kalaji Rao and his wife came in to swear at us. Two women from my house [me and my
mother] had to take the intimidation as the men and women in their house screamed at us.
Kalaji called me a ‘saand’ and his wife ‘bawdy’. Their daughter-in-law told me to stop
I did not know their ‘renovation’ from August 2009 to now, was a ‘fight’ against us! It had
been organised with Moolchand’s noise, by the sadistic police and neighbours, to silence me
into not complaining.
Their everyday routine of provoking, filming me and yelling left me in a horrible state of
anxiety for hours and these videos are just a sample. When they tried framing me trying to
prove I was at fault and began abusing me, out of habit, I filmed them.
My father was out on an MRPL audit and those moments were used by Kalaji and his family.
Kalaji calls me a ‘saand’...
...and Mrs Kalaji calls me ‘bawdy.’[That’s what I gather – I don’t follow Marathi. Their other
abuses I could not really record through 2007-2009, each time, I would just scream back and
run into the house for shelter]
Unfortunately the problems caused by them seemed to escalate. Dirty water and waste was
thrown at our entrance on Feb, 2, 2010. First the stalker Abhishek started his car without
silencer and then water was thrown. My parents usually got targeted with water before this
enclosure was made.
and shook their hands and left. It was a complaint about our ‘AC’ this time [earlier he
had complained we use a motor although he does too]. The police said the power drills were
needed, not our domestic motor. [We don’t have an AC only a motor – we cannot afford
AC like Moolchand].
He then told our domestic help to throw water into their house and then advised her that the
home-owners would get together and forsake her later – she should take care, implying that
she should not trust us and speak on our behalf. There was clear-cut evidence the police
and neighbours had been corrupting anyone who supported us, to turn against us. They had
been creating situations using domestic helps and people who provided utility services to gain
information on us and to scare us showing what would happen if they were antagonised.
I wondered why the police had targeted our family with the neighbours. BBMP worker
Lakshmamma whom they had tutored to watch the show stood next to the women of our
house, smiling gleefully. The female official seen on snapshot who had been told everything about our case stated, “The police department has other
work than just bothering about your house.”
I asked her why the married man, Abhishek, was busy filing complaints of ‘domestic noise’
installing drills and intimidating women next door, bringing in police like herself. He should
be in a gainful occupation at that time of the day. She said, “It’s his personal issue.”
By now I was convinced that from the day in 2007, when I complained about domestic
violence and public nuisance, the police had been revealing that to the neighbours and
crafting a plan each time to victimise me. The neighbours would get aggravated, there would
be no legal action against them and they were free to increase their violence on me. The
police would just sit back and enjoy seeing me complain and get intimidated and tortured.
Each time they hounded us, they came with an excuse that it was a new police official who
had come to investigate by mistake. There was no record of victims or crime as they were
plotting the crime with the neighbours. It was a conspiracy nurtured over years by the
Seshadripuram police station that increased the processions and tutored our criminal
neighbours to pester us. There had been no FIR or charge-sheet because they were causing
the noise, vandalism and intimidation to happen and suppression of evidence of violence on
women was a norm.
Power drill on open terrace Kalaji’s house is on video:
It’s noise into our house:
Basavaraju Aralguppi was the name given by the assistant sub-inspector involved and his
subordinates shook hands with the criminal neighbours. He advised me on the road to be nice
to neighbours! After the celebration, bully Abhishek took his car without silencer out at 10
pm and began intimidating us again...each night. Now that the police had given him full
licence and would support such activities he could gather any number of goons like himself,
comment on us and scare us every day with his family.
The water and dirt throwing continued as a right! It’s clear Kalaji’s hand recedes
after using our house as dustbin on this video:
Earlier to 2006, I was enduring their torture and running away from home if I needed to
study. I decided to go public about their criminality when things turned inhuman. Although
the temple’s marble-cutting noise or a truck rumbling and unloading tore us, my family was
quiet for around 10 years. The temple construction and small live bands began six years back
and Moolchand began construction of his house 10 years back. So he occupied the area for
about a decade and slowly grew like cancer.
The ‘renovation’ at Kalaji’s began before August 2009 for a 30X40 sq ft area and continued
for more than seven months up to now. It begins loudly on hearing any voice from our
house after they discuss what they should do [Post ‘renovation’ rubble September 2009].
Kalaji’s house in August 2009 [we had presumed it was a private affair then, not a ‘fight’]:
The Munisuvratswami Jain Trust which Moolchand organised, conducted auctions ‘in the
Moolchand’s lorries unloaded after 12.00 am as the construction of the temple is
‘unending’ and may continue next year too:
Through 2007, 2008 and 2009, we took it, complaining to the police in futility:
The photo above shows mortar machines brought in each time the temple had to be extended.
I don’t know how he notices our domestic noise when we were not even spotted by him on
our street that he has drove us out of, every day, creating this din.
These neighbours had tutored many shops in a circumference of five roads to refuse to give
anything to our family. That included saying, “You have to buy a TV if you want batteries”,
when we needed to buy rechargeable batteries. Every tailor said she had ‘US orders’, so she
could not take mine! Most shops are owned by Marwaris too. They influence everybody in
their neighbourhood into troubling us.
But after 2007, we stopped taking nonsense. My family has been singled out for harassment.
Now I can’t run out anywhere – every place had ‘cultural’ or ‘political’ loudspeakers.
So I have to stay home and fight it out, till we move out. The hijras increased their accosting
as this community increased in numbers, heckling us.
People were asked to hound women of our house and we were unaware until confirmed direct
attacks began from the neighbours.
I was in fact plucked at, by a pervert, in front of the Satyam office in Kumara Park in 2002
and had complained to the police, the first time. The Satyam Computers employees watched
calmly. That was the first MNC usurping of a residential area where taxis would be parked
haywire and nothing that happened to residents would be noted by the police. But as the
‘business people’ grew in numbers, particularly the Marwaris, the police grew to support
them very well. After that, these things did not remain stray incidents – women they could
not control would not be allowed to live in their homes, in peace. They territorially claim
streets and target young women. There are two reasons why nobody serves as witness to
crime on a woman:
1. Police suppress evidence as in my case and harass witnesses
2. The person witnessing may himself be the criminal like in the above mentioned
Such stray incidents grew over time and the scenario explained above arose slowly in our
neighbourhood. Well into April now, the neighbour’s torture continues:
Now the stalking to aggravate with the vehicles without silencers has increased. Trucks of
the current retail, Kalaji has rented his place to, come at night – nobody questions him –
he sits triumphantly staring from his balcony presuming he can abuse anybody and get away
with it...Video of truck at night:
Now, construction workers observe our family, just when we are out, and act as informants
or turn noisy outright:
Vehicles are parked without authorisation way beyond midnight to cause panic...the number
plate of a vehicle can be seen on photograph – the video shows it was parked beyond 12.00
am on April 10, 2010. That day it was not removed at noon too although the Hoysala van
went past with inmates calmly observing our house. The vehicle was parked there from noon,
April 9, 2010, for a whole day. [KA02 P7249]
Now we are sure the police have been appointed by the government only to support goons.
Although this might sound discriminatory - the rate at which Marwaris purchase prime
property is higher than other communities in Kumara Park area. This causes fake-increase in
property value. Marwaris buy up property creating distressing life situations for others. The
person they render homeless tries to buy a central property and depends on loans, as he does
not have the income these people have, and such a home is baited by them. So they can make
their prey indebted and take away his land. Ours is one case. My parents bought a house
when the price was affordable for the middle class. It took them two decades to pay off loans.
Now they have to sell the house we are staying in, so our parents can get property in the city
centre as they cannot manage life in the city peripheries – they are old. Moolchand is making
us suffer so we give our home up for a low price and leave.
[Over the last five years, Marwaris have bought at least eight properties just on 3rd Cross]
My family knows we cannot live here in peace anymore but we need help for a year till we
move out. My mother had to handle too many things after recovery from vertigo. My parents
are finalising the land deal to construct a new house. My father is over 70 and we have no
help, so the women of the house decided to face things. The total cost of land deal can be
paid off with loans which can be settled selling the house we are in. We need money for the
cost of construction and some money for help to parents consequent to decadent health. The
cost of construction may come to INR 80 lakh and the bills will at least be 20 lakhs if my
parents survive for a decade. It will help if Munisuvratswami trust could pay it up as
compensation. We need a minimum of 80 lakhs to stay out of debt. They have money to
throw on the streets and pay crores in auctions but we are not smugglers. After all we are
being kicked out of there because of their torture and we have spoken to people who will help
with the land deal. We will sell our current house to get the land but we need money to pay
for construction as we cannot afford the debt.
We need help from you to stay alive after we leave this house as we have decided to move
out unable to take the torture, in a year. Both my parents are hypertensive and my mother is
being treated for vertigo [which's aggravated by noise] by Dr Geetha Subramaniam at
I know how a complaint by an Indian woman goes to dust with all officials until someone
related to them faces a situation similar to this. Ours is a road infested with everyday
goondaism in the name of religion used in harassing the women of our house. The police here
are criminal. I used to work at Mallya hospital and tried entrance exams for Post graduation
and gave up on the dream of a further professional related to it, and personal life, subject to
constant abuse. My family dissuaded me from continuing further as getting back to a toxic
atmosphere back home, after so much work, would kill me.
What we are more scared of is, what will life be like when we move out? Many people
deterred me from complaining further. My mother developed a fear for life and was afraid
what they would do to her daughter after the pointed attacks. They kept saying, “If you feel
everybody else is wrong, you are wrong,” and intimidating me. Iam not a legal expert to
know if I should ‘never complain against a person in uniform’ like my mother asked me to.
She is dead scared of them and began weeping on December 30, 2009, when Moolchand
trespassed into our house. She wanted to move out immediately. She began asking me not to
put on TV. We had a tiff as TV was protecting me from listening to quarrels and I refused.
But Iam trying to do everything on a daily basis to keep my ears safe like noise-cancelling
headphones and masking. I don’t think it’s just about noise – they may wish to kill us.
Although Vimochana and Mahila Ayoga wanted to help when I appealed to them, how could
they if the police was against it? When Vanita Sahayavani asked me to re-appeal at the
commissioner’s office, I refused. They did not have the jurisdiction for cases beyond the
Domestice Violence Prevention act, where they could counsel regarding marital problems
was what I was told. That means unmarried women will be harassed by any criminal and the
perverse police can support that creating their own laws.
Iam totally overwhelmed why Iam not ‘authorised’ to live in peace in my house and have
some questions:
1.Should the police frame a victim or help her? If they don’t, do they have a nexus with the
criminal? What if the police and neighbours try revenge in the new house we move into? The
Indian police is organised enough for that and has ingloriously intimidated many victims.
2.Can temples usurp entire roads in residential areas and trouble other residents? Don’t we
have rights? Will the commissioner’s family endorse this lewdness for their street in this
frequency? Will he quote the ‘freedom of movement’ or ‘measures against security lapse’
then? A minimum of 200 non-residents gather on the street and look at the women who don’t
like the retarded behaviour and complain against it. The same people may turn dangerous to
us, later on. The people who endorse these strangers on our street may intend to endanger us.
None of the lewd dancing or loudspeakers can be religious or cultural – they have nothing to
do with the moderation of Hinduism or peace of Jainism. A criminal set of police abetting
criminal behaviour on streets can hardly be called a cultural gathering. Should the law
specifically point out what nasty things the police should not assist around politics and
religion? Is there a monetary/political benefit to the police that may be harmed if they
control such vandalism? India loses more lives on pilgrimage stampedes and accidents than
terror attacks. Insanity being dubbed ‘pursuit of religion’ can play havoc particularly where
criminals play a role, like on my street. It’s the new age of religion based resorts meant for
illegal activities. Is the police equipped to turn extortion mafia on civilians, enforcing a police
state in Karnataka, where no court has any importance? If the police that had to protect stalks
and harasses, how should security be ensured for women? This case can be treated as police
sponsored non-custodial torture of years for my family.
3.What do we do regarding the vandalism in the name of religious and cultural events and
political rallies? Should there be restricted gatherings? What is the law regarding processions,
with no public decorum, entering residential areas containing women and children? The
police began the lewd processions in front of our house sharp 10 pm, after we complained
to NHRC giving videos where they had allowed processions from 1.30-2.30 am. Who will
interpret the law right for them? Is there any objectivity they are capable of? Or will they
stay criminal? After all, not every woman can wait with a camera to detect circumstantial
evidence for each crime committed on her, especially, by the police?
[In fact I had complained to the police that I was clobbered on the Subrahmanya temple street
in 2005, while getting back home from my aunt’s house, at night. I had to care for after an
allergic reaction. Whether it was recorded by the police, only they can reveal. No
investigation was begun as I had no cuts on my body. To date I don’t know who arranged for
that clobbering].
4.What should women like me do, when the police does what it did to me? Constant
degradation will break them and kill them – what is the redressal to that? What if they try
killing me when there’s a verdict or when this plea reaches the bench? Religion is being used
as an anti-woman tool in my case. If police officials are indicted/suspended/tranferred,
because of what they did to me, they’ll try revenge using the goondas whom they are already
well-acquainted with. How should my family deal with such a circumstance? A family friend
asked, “The investigatory and enforcing agency for the courts is the Police. If the police are
against you, your case as another ‘plea by the aggrieved’ which will be referred back to the
same reprimanded ACP and commissioner so things worsen. How do you hope to get
Another person said, “A case of murder like Pratibha’s that was household talk took four
years of trial and she never got justice. Yours is minor compared to that – it will never get
resolved.” May be he meant the police don’t take it seriously if the woman appealing is
alive. They have already sponsored abuse perpetuated by women bullies and male goons on
me and advised me to endure it.
5. Will the verdict do justice and enforce compensation for us? Most cases of criminality on
women end up making the perpetrator famous and the woman would have ended her life or
would be killed. No victim gets compensated. When Iam witness to domestic violence and
the police aggravates the violent criminal against me, revealing my name in the guise of
making peace, what should I do?
1. Munisuvratswami Jain trust, Bangalore:
• Public nuisance under Section 268 of IPC and nuisance citing religious activities
under section 133 Cr P C. We are vacating our house, consequently.
• Section 291 IPC: Continuance of nuisance after injunction to discontinue by the
NHRC. Section 320: Grievous hurt: Sensorineural hearing loss.
• Obstructing or annoying passengers in street under Section 59A Cr. P.C.
• Compensation for my family under section 457A IPC as we have decided to
leave the house unable to take the nuisance and intimidation caused by this
2. Mr Moolchand Nagotra [Neighbour to the right of my house]:
• House-trespass to commit an offence (other than theft) punishable with
imprisonment under sections 451 and 453 IPC. His intention was to scare me.
• Public nuisance under Section 268 of IPC and nuisance citing religious activities
under section 133 Cr P C. We are vacating our house, consequently.
• Section 291 IPC: Continuance of nuisance after injunction to discontinue by the
NHRC. Section 320: Grievous hurt: Sensorineural hearing loss.
• Obstructing or annoying passengers in street under Section 59A Cr. P.C.
• Compensation for my family under section 457A IPC as we have decided to
leave the house unable to take the nuisance and intimidation caused by his
3. Kalaji Rao and family[Neighbour to the left of my house]:
• Criminal intimidation of a woman [myself] under sections 506 and 509 IPC
outlined in Section 320, Cr P C.
• Assault on unknown woman recorded on tape, as heard inside my house: Section
354 of IPC, Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005, for the woman
assaulted. Section 195 A of IPC to protect witness [me] as I have taped this
conversation around Kalaji Rao’s family and a woman unknown to me as heard
into my house. Iam unaware if there was a charge-sheet or FIR on the same
although I informed the police about a violent act being committed on a woman
and her shouting.
• Abetment under Section 107 IPC – Mrs Kalaji Rao abetted Mrs Lakshmamma’s
son, to enter my house drunk, demanding work [Section 86 of IPC]
• Section 278: Making atmosphere noxious to health by breeding cats.
• Section 120B IPC: Punishment of criminal conspiracy: Kalaji never complained
about the public nuisance by religious clouts and encouraged them against us.
Finally they placed a complaint in the Seshadripuram police station that we had
domestic motor in our house after setting up power-drills in their own house to
provoke us into criminal action. The police tried interrogating us for this!
4. Police department:
• Seshadripuram police station, Police control room and Police commissioner’s
office for abetment of nuisance and intimidation caused by Munisuvratswami Jain
trust, Bangalore under Section 107 IPC. They committed other crimes collectively
as stated below.
• Section 163 Cr P C: No inducement to be offered: The Seshadripuram police
station made me sign a document saying that I would not be troubled by the
neighbours and conspired to aggravate them instead of taking legal measures. After
they got the neighbours ‘trained’ to frame me I was instructed to keep to myself as
the nuisance and intimidation towards my family continued.
• Public servant disobeying law, with intent to cause injury to any person: Section
166, IPC: the NHRC decree was entirely ignored. The police developed alternate
laws based on their own interpretation of law, to permit processions and nuisance.
• Failure to produce FIR on repeated complaints about criminal actions: Section
202 IPC and section 464 of Cr P C with failure to execute official duties as outlined
under Section 170 to 173 of Cr P C. Section 201 IPC is applicable as the evidence
regarding violence on women was probably not produced before a court of law at
all. No act of nuisance or intimidation against me was registered in a court of law.
• Section 119 of IPC for concealing design to commit offence – I was asked to
‘ignore’ the neighbours when they turned offensive to me. Ignore the stench and
noise, ignore their throwing things on you – the police advised – and the same
crimes were repeated, to intimidate us.
• Section 294 IPC: Obscene acts and songs happened citing Ganesha Chaturthi
celebrations and other ‘cultural processions with lewd body gyrations that the
police gladly brought into our street, despite NHRC decree to the contrary.
• Section 120B IPC: Punishment of criminal conspiracy: The police handed over a
document stating they would control noise and revealed my name to my
neighbours as the complainant. Then they increased processions helping the
neighbours to harass me and aggravated the intimidation. They conspired with
them to close the case of domestic violence and since I had witnessed it and
complained, the intimidation increased.
In January 2010, when Mr Kalaji Rao’s family installed a running power-drill in
his house and lodged a complaint ‘regarding domestic noise in our house’, the
police that had organised processions with 50-100 drums through the road of my
residence arrived to harass me enquiring on a ‘domestic motor’.
They entered my house and asked out the family members to the road for
conversation. After the arguing and screaming on road, the police was seen
shaking hands with Kalaji’s grandson smilingly, having insulted the women of our
house. They tried framing me for the noise but I had filmed the power-drill in
Kalaji’s house by then. Section 320: Grievous hurt: Sensorineural hearing loss.
Court of earlier appeal: National Human Rights Commission
Date of judgement: 23-Nov-2007
Case number at NHRC: 1130/10/07-08/OC
Matters of general relevance from the case that need attention :
amounting to threat to national security [not dealt with by TADA] – the powers
to enquire and enforce curtailing measures is delegated to the state [Article 19
clause 1, sub-clause b and d and Article 25, clause 2, sub-clause a]. Disruption
includes torture-level noise with usurping roads, drunken revelry etc. If the
highest police authority of state fails, there is no comprehensive law covering all
aspects of disruption – in my case it begins as torture level noise and results in
intimidation and harassment of women of our family as we complained against
disruption caused by a religious place of worship set up, in a residential area,
next door. We need a uniform law for decorum of all religions, cultural and
political gatherings particularly in relation to objecting residents. If my case is
examined the police officials have perversely interpreted the freedom of
movement as licence to vandalise and have tried to frame me around my
complaint! Misuse of religion to destroy utility of public spaces and torment
neighbours cannot be termed ‘moral’. Where ‘religion’ and ‘public order’ clash
and the police don’t know what public order is, nor does the public, [a pervasive
disease in the nation] should there not be a comprehensive law, relevant to all
states of India, to prevent such public disorder in the guise of religion?
2. Women police officials lack objectivity and there are few in the decision-making
capacity. Some of them may behave like goons themselves. The collection and
examination of evidence regarding violence/intimidation of women lacks
technique and honesty. Violated women seldom get justice and there’s no
compensation available that’s appropriate considering the crime and the
criminal may not be incarcerated to an extent, the offence won’t be repeated.
The punishment is not in proportion to the crime. When the basic judicial
process is prolonged to agonise the victim and justice is delayed or denied, the
criminal takes courts for granted. Women officials who cannot interpret the law
and refer women-related cases to the judgement of male superiors for ‘further
orders’ cannot help women victims in times of need.
The harassment violating legal norms in the neighbourhood disrupted by criminality of
neighbours, the people they support and their religious clouts has agonised my family
beyond endurance.
We have faced severe criminal intimidation by the neighbours, construction workers and
police and it has become unbearable. My family has been harassed ever since we set foot on this street twenty years back and has increased heavily over the last four years.
Our neighbour to the right, Moolchand Nagotra, a Marwari Jain, has huge amount of
amassed wealth going into building of a temple and ‘celebrations’ every other day,
disrupting the whole road and neighbourhood. He states the source of wealth is ‘business’.
Moolchand formed a trust few years back to build a Jain temple. Their ‘cultural’ events began
like this:
Video of 2007
I met ACP Bipin Gopalakrishna and lodged a formal, written complaint in 2007. When that
did not work, I appealed to the NHRC. The National Human Rights Commission issued
instructions to keep peace in this zone and mailed their decree to the Commissioner.
Complaint receipt by ACP Bipin Gopalakrishna, law and order, Bangalore:
action. But consecutive ACPs decided on assisting whatever Moolchand did. Moolchand had
the power to call the ACP or any politician for ‘cultural’ events here, that disrupted the whole
neighbourhood and the police found it difficult to get him to behave. So they joined in.
Moolchand put on lights around the temple and conducted ‘celebrations’ more frequently
They provided him ‘protection’ cordoning roads throwing the NHRC decree to dust. I had
provided video evidence to NHRC regarding the processions each month between 2007 and
I cannot make out who allowed the construction of a noisy temple in a residential
area, how permits were done , whether a ‘No Objection Certificate’ was provided by
authorities, instructing him with the decorum of a residential area. I don’t remember
signing a ‘No Objection Certificate’ being informed about the consequences of building
the temple.
Everyday marble cutting noise:
Since he resorted to goondagiri to subdue people, nobody was able to stop this person or the
members of his gang. Drivers just honked around a road cordon by him and left through other
roads, cursing. Some neighbours joined hands with him, discrediting our situation. We, the
immediate neighbours were helpless and since both of my parents are hypertensive, felt his
aim was to get rid of us.
JPEG File : MEDICAL prescription .jpg
On September 4, 2008, Moolchand brought in a live band early morning, again violating
every promise the NHRC and the Police made. [The police had promised by document after
NHRC decree, they would take measures against people offending]. I had to complain
everyday but he was going scot-free and we were getting harassed. We felt that the police
was betraying us.
His antics caused increased noise by the nearby Subrahmanya temple people in
competition every time this aggressive neighbour began celebrating. Everybody flouts the law, citing religious reasons, and so the question raised by them was why our family
should be living in Kumarapark. They clogged the 5th cross and a perpendicular road with
their pillars, in a power struggle.
After the NHRC decree, the Subrahmanya temple decided to tone things down
but the Jain trust wreaked havoc. In fact the trust seems to have plotted revenge very well,
using the police.
I also have attached the Ganesha procession permission was provided for, violating the
NHRC decision and the promise by the Police. These decrees are on paper but nothing was
done in reality. There are about 50 trumpets, at night, violating the Supreme Court
regulation and Karnataka Police Act B provisions. We were stupid we trusted anybody at
all. You can observe the drunken, shameless youths doing stuff that represents ‘Indian
culture’ today. Any legal authority will interpret noise related laws as provisions to avoid
negative physiological/other consequences to human beings. Both, the police and neighbours,
seem to interpret these laws as cut off lines for what they can do up to what time. When a
resident objects to ‘cultural torture’, I cannot comprehend the legal authority anybody can
have, to provide permission for this to be done in front of that persons’ house, disregarding
objection, ignoring the law, in a democracy. If the Commissioner is God he can reverse the
physiological consequences caused by his permits, to us. Or else justice is, the Police
Department should have compensated us for the harassment we underwent
and take measures to help, not on paper but as an event in reality. Especially after we
presume they have been educated by the honourable judges of the National Human Rights
Commission who went over the entire appeal and wrote to the Commissioner to exercise
discretion regarding this issue.
There’s no culture to cultural events and reckless police permits are being given to
processions. These processions bring in drunk, smoking perverts, hijras and camels and
other strange people who will never account for any mishap, nor will the Police.
Drums are burnt and wretched things I cannot even comprehend are done on the first video
mentioned below.
Where money buys the police and peoples’ lives have no meaning, this is not very difficult.
The relevant videos are :
september 4,2008,night, ganesha procession
The Jain temple is lit up next door ... their celebrations were so regular and flamboyant.
On September 5, at 10.30 p.m, Hoysala 2 with Police officials abet a procession of drunks,
right infront of our house, violating the Law, in contempt of the NHRC judicial process
and human rights [Hoysala police van can be spotted],
Videos :
september 5, 2008,10.30 pm, GANESHA PROCESSION
Two days later, September 7, 2008, the same thing repeated with more violent noise and
children were used for many things including distribution of sweets and looking after
electrical wires!!!People just walk into houses and cannot be stopped when such an
event occurs and the police troubles residents who object and advises them to tolerate!
This negligence over what children get exposed to, at processions, is similar to what happens
every year when children are left unguided, during Diwalis. The drunken revelry of adults
seen on the videos, is uneducated. It’s clear the police saw to it that the size of processions
and noise levels grew over time after the NHRC decree, as if in vengeance. They were
probably annoyed they were questioned in court. So they brought this Ganesha procession
into the street.
Videos :
september 7,2008, NOON
Terrible events followed as I had complained to the police and then to the NHRC.
I don’t know how the Moolchand’s clout befriended the other neighbours to corner my
family. Our neighbours to the left, Mr Kalaji Rao and family collected popular support from
people around including their tenants to make life unliveable for us. They turned friends with
the Marwaris to trouble us. I was called a non-God-fearing monster who was unmarried and a
doctor from a Brahmin family who had ‘fallen’ according to Kalaji Rao’s wife. They kept
saying my parents had not brought me up right and one day I had to yell back.
A year back, we heard conversations amounting to quarrels and we heard the voice of some
woman with Mr Kalaji Raos’ grandson and his family, threatening to commit suicide,
and alerted the Police. We recorded the voices from our house, we were in fact scared to get
out for fear of what they flung at us when we got out. These quarrels happened at a window
close to our house scaring us. The girl is saying, “Who are you to kick me and all?” on this
video. This video is around August 2008 but these things scared us earlier, only now there
was a life threat to someone.Video [recorded August 2008] :
The grandson [I don’t know much about his education or employment] regularly shouts till
we yell back at times. You can hear him say ‘Take that, take that’ on another clip and
screaming... Video [recorded August 2009] :
Our family has been witnessing constant quarrels and we were quiet until they loudly
quarrelled this way – we alerted the Police. The Police acted like they enquired and told us it
was nothing and got me to sign a document the family would not trouble us. But Kalaji’s
family continued quarrelling next to our window and uttering abuse at me and stalking me.
The police never filed an FIR or charge-sheeted them for violence.
Video :
The stalking and cursing can be seen on:
Video on folder:
If the police destroy documents or don’t listen to the complaint, they presume it means no
crime was committed. Or they simply act like they are the law. They ‘instruct’ offenders
and get victims to sign documents instead of beginning a trial. The aggravated offender
turns further injurious to the victim.
Kalaji’s grandson bred cats in cages and the excreta caused an unbearable stench only for
our house and if Health Inspectors asked, brought in the SPCA. Generally he was gallivanting
with a gang and his mother was seen with a stick around the cat cage making the cats scream
while the grandmother reprimanded the cats, to agitate us further, after creating the stench.
Although they are not supposed to keep more than two neutered pets in that area, they never
bothered beyond troubling immediate neighbours, getting them to scream and urinate next
door. Our chejja was filled with cat excreta.
The videos of the cat cage and then her reprimanding:
Then Kalaji’s grandson, Abhishek, would begin to run his car without a silencer in several
sessions for a long time to cause vibrations as seen on the video particularly to intimidate
when our family members were out. When he arrived home with a gang at night, our sleep
was lost.[KA04P6037].
The video of the car:
increased the noise made with other vehicles too. Complaining to the Traffic Police
lead to their getting fun out of it. Now other people helped them make noise using
vehicles without silencers that whizzed past. They have high frequency woofers on music
systems that vibrate the buildings and the drivers took pleasure creating nuisance.
The police just listened everytime we complained and complained back to us about how
unruly youths are! Kalaji’s wife stalked me and said, “Go wearing those clothes to the police
station and see what they’ll do to you.”
It is definitely difficult for women from our house to travel safe today, more so in the
Seshadripuram area, especially in this neighbourhood. The neighbours to our left had given
the lower portion of their house , on rent to ‘Vignesh Industrial Services Private Limited'
an industrial retail. [Now it’s rented to another retail but Vignesh’s activities are seen below]
The problem faced by the women of our house was:
1. Psychotic people in trucks arguing day and night and creating ruckus in the
residential area and incessantly polluting the street with smoke:
regular truck driver altercations next door
2. Littering groups of people who stared at us passing by:
This video includes a group of Vignesh employees and the people who work for the person
who owns the place in front of them. Together, they formed an aggressive and intimidating
group, cluttering and smoking in front of our house and shouting loudly.
3.Smokers from Vignesh who polluted the air and made it impossible for us to live in our
house. They began smoking to my face defiantly when I went out. They did it stealthily
after I complained to the police with videos and both got to know I would keep evidence.
september 11,2008, smoker of neighbours truck shouts, discards cigarette at doorstep
4.Smoker - owner of the house in front [this person blocks our house entrance with his
vehicle sometimes]. The video:
The neighbour to the left Mr Kalaji Raos wife [and the grandmother of the person who runs
the car without silencer]followed me with verbal obscenities and I began retaliating
for fear of life. She began telling people vicious things on me, including vendors roadside.
She would follow everything I did, to mount up response. She has said “Jorag haaktaal avalu,
bevarsi, totti”, on the next video. I was a ‘bastard, dustbin’ etc because I would mask their
quarrels in my house putting on television. They sometimes banged on my window with a
stick. Video of her obscenities:
When she got too abusive personally, I had to verbally retaliate. The problem is, she catches
hold of people like construction workers and BBMP street-cleaners and speaks at length to
them and tips some of them for errands and teaches them on our family. She provokes and
bullies and when I retort, calls everyone including the police to watch. It continues to date.
She bribed the BBMP worker, Lakshmamma, who has psychotic tendencies and the
BBMP workers’ son entered our house, drunk, when only the women were around and began
following us, asking us for tips/ errands. [Lakshmamma is a frail woman who was gradually
trained by the ‘big’ people, our neighbours, into turning criminal, through bribing. How
exactly the BBMP has employed such a frail old woman is beyond comprehension. She has
turned an established goon on the street].
The BBMP worker had left a pile of garbage in front of our house for months as she had
been tutored to harass us and Kalaji’s wife would add to that garbage thrown from her
balcony and the littering people would add to it.
Evidence Lakshmamma’s son trespassed to our house drunk: [given in Kannada by one of the
construction workers]
evidence lakshmammas son trespassed drunk
Video of Litter:
pile of garbage
Kalaji Rao’s wife had thrown non vegetarian food into our house as we are vegetarian
and the then Circle Inspector, who we complained to, had seen all this and warned the family.
Unfortunately the problems caused by them increased.
The construction workers, she befriended from the new construction in front of their house,
acted crazy and fought through the night, drunk. Again, we had called up the Police
practically every day.
Irresponsible lay-abouts who caused accidents, targeting women, were regular features in
front of our house. Here their number is well established. The same clout was seen burning
drums, abetting neighbours to create nuisance and quarrelling in other videos.
If they are questioned why they do that, they get back to their ‘work’ using a power-drill
unnecessarily or banging on the walls of the five-storeyed illegal construction they are
putting up. There is a scheme called ‘akrama-sakrama’, where, all by-laws can be flouted
with a petty fine these businesspeople manage. It’s something like a state-permitted illegal
Some of the people on the road don’t even work here – they are seen loitering around and
they are used as informants and trouble-makers. If 30-40 people are seen daily, how should
women whom they target wade through?
The people who came to our Kalaji’s house got informed on us and blocking the
entrance to the gate of our house, with their vehicles became a regular feature.
Vehicle KA04 MB 9269 [from their house] moves out after we question them and the
layabouts are seen on the second video below…this loitering and laying about was dubbed
‘freedom of movement’-
Unauthorised vehicles block house entrance2
This was done to watch us get annoyed for their fun, when they found it agitated us. Seeing
us miserable on a day to day basis had become their agenda and the torture our family faced
went up. They provoked us to yell back, ganged up in a crowd and called the Police to have
fun heckling us and the Police seemed to be happy with this arrangement! If I was kept pre-
occupied with abuse, how could I complain? And who could I complain to?
Mr Kalaji Rao had managed to split our family saying, “We are brothers”, to my father, to
single me out for harassment. My father would scream at me saying my fears were imaginary
and I was aggravating neighbours unnecessarily. When their criminality endangered him,
my father was convinced that the women of his house had problems. When he resisted their
harassing me, they started recording his retorts dubbing him a quarrelsome person!
The police abetted the neighbour Kalaji to gather a crowd and run around maniacally calling
me out and saying I was mad. Incidentally, the Hoysala had a transferred official whom Mrs
Kalaji Rao called just to torture me in front of a gang she had gathered. I wept then and my
parents got out of the house and found what she had done.
Kalaji Rao went around the road in front of the crowd calling me ‘mental’. My parents began
looking out for a new house immediately and all the properties were costly for people who
were not corrupt politicians, businessmen or police.
I complained to the Police Commissioner after that. To my dismay, he enquired initially but
supported them later. Iam not sure who had altered the documents in his office, so no
complaint was recorded. If there was a record and FIR, then why would they induce me to
sign that Kalaji’s family would not trouble me and allow them to torture me later? And ask
me for a new written complaint on September 5, 2009, at the Commissioner’s office? There
is not record of the complaint in the commissioner’s office – no FIR, no documentation at
The public nuisance by Jain temple amounting to torture had abetment around my house and
the videos are provided for 2009. The documentation consequent to the judicial process of
this case until then is on:
NHRC decree:
Seshadripuram police made me sign that Kalaji’s family won’t trouble me and that
Moolchand did not celebrate more than once a year! This false statement was filed:
Seshadripuram police gave false reassurance that they would control the nuisance:
The next political venture of Moolchand was ‘medical camps’ obstructing the road ahead.
How exactly a charitable religious trust has the money to throw around pomp and
splendour to obtain permits to cordon off roads in a residential area while their children
create noise running their SUVs and CBZs is anybody’s guess. How are people equipped to
treat patients if there are emergencies, on cordoned roads where they are set in line for check-
ups and are named on speakers like school attendance? These videos show such crazy
medical camps set up:
Obstructing vehicles and strewn slippers on roads are symbolic of the decadence of life for
other residents. The police who were supposed to prevent such illegal activities seemed to
have cordoned roads and encouraged the same, so it is not difficult to say who was
responsible. People had to take other routes avoiding this road. We were tortured by the noise
and a public place was being permitted for use, by police, illegally. They have not rented out
a private place for the charity stunt. It’s happening on roads! It’s in the Kumara Park area
where people can afford good hospitals and not in a rural area where there is need. It’s not
difficult to gauge the motive. Why should we, the immediate neighbours, take his nonsense
if he intimidates us, ruins each day for us with noise and road-blocks and justifies himself
with some paapa/punya story to derive a sense of purpose for his criminal actions?
Video march 2009
The videos of august 2009 show what the dreadful neighbours and police did, each day...
The videos show police stating that the ACP and DCP have provided permits on August 17, ignoring the NHRC decree that decided no noise should happen here. What makes them say it was the Inspector who permitted later on, in the video on August 18, is again an unfathomable problem. TheInspector argues he can permit from 6 am to 10 pm in spite of my appeal and NHRC
decree...even as I tell him he cannot do so, ruining a whole street.
One video on August 17, shows the cop asking me if the microphones are there, listening to the background and hanging up on me! Pre-meditated as their response was, I believed they aggravated the neighbours into ill-treating me. Whatever they made me sign, they would teach me a lesson for complaining! My several calls to police which got hung up and where I could not reach control room or received false reassurance can be heard on videos of aug 16,17,18 2009. One clip among the calls to police on August 16,2009 shows I called up the control room after 10.30 pm as nuisance continued.
It’s easy to make out how many officials failed. My name got more famous with the people
that intimidated me as the officials revealed I was the complainant each time! This had the
disastrous consequence of increased nuisance and intimidation. Since they had a pact, my
complaining was ‘nuisance’ for them that they would get around with, with many tricks.
The nuisance can be traced growing from 2007 to 2009. They were blatantly getting permits
to act the way they like as the police probably orchestrated everything.
A clip on August 16,2009 shows a child around twelve, riding a scooter, moving out of the group. The number of children we are losing where parents are permitting them to show off their riding skills is on the rise. But if the parents are prone to goondaism, parking their vehicles blocking our house and meanly retorting when we ask them why they did it, what would they teach children? How do they cover up when mishaps happen to others because of their waywardness? ‘Getting around officials’ is easy, so they seem to believe they will get around destiny building a temple. Where do they get the money to install lighting and speakers and decorations when the state has a energy crisis almost
every day if they are a trust? The videos through the month of August are astounding! Police
facilitated nuisance for the cause of ‘respectable citizens’ and their religion...
august 2 2009
august 9. 2009
august 16 2009
Noise prevailed even after 10 pm as on video on august 17 2009:
videos on august 17 2009
Shouting seeps into my toilet on video later on august 18, 2009:
house. For this lunatic’s ‘greatness’ our lives were sacrificed.
The video next shows noise continues beyond 10 pm actually it was more.
Videos on august 21 2009
The noise extends beyond 10 pm and there is an added bonus to this, the nexy day, by the police.
on august 22, 2009 and
on august 23, 2009.
My voice turns psychotic when I listen to officials stating a perverse interpretation of a legal
court legislation and the NHRC decree. What was their benefit troubling neighbours and the
public – I could not comprehend that entirely. The barricades of High Ground Police station
borrowed for cordon stood close to the footpath here and are seen on earlier videos.
The police reversed the cause of the Supreme Court Regulation, 2001, regarding noise
which came into effect as a woman suffering injustice could not be heard. The police
saw to it a woman suffered and would not be heard. I got admitted to hospital unable to take
their insanity.
Of course they have the right not to let me sleep in my house...mornings were usurped by
noise – who cares about laws and courts when the Seshadripuram police protect offenders?
The Ganesha festivities of 2009 added to agony considering the fact that the Police station is
so mad with us... Video of police state with petty politicians and people rejoice at that…
Videos on august 26:
The police point me out as the ‘aggressor’ to people who brought in the procession – They
look like goons on august 26.
This video shows the procession began after 9.30 pm – [on august 26]
This video shows the police laughingly saying to me that DCP Ramesh permitted them to
bring the procession to 3rd Cross, Kumara Park West… [on august 26]
All these processions definitely crossed the deadline of 10.00 pm on august 26 given by the
supreme court.
This video graphically shows vulgar, lewd body gyrations being done in front of children,
assisted by police, creating a riotous noise that they claim is for God. Possibly these are
drunks too – the police accompanying them can enlighten further.
On August 30, 2009, I was in the police commissioner’s office and was told by the DSO that
he cannot simply stop processions because one family wants it! I should return later as it was
the commissioner’s son’s wedding! He also said something about my ‘breaking the law’
which he has to elaborate himself. I was given the contact details of the local ACP whom I
did not call, considering the complaints I made to the earlier ones that caused vengeance
instead of help. I was scared to complain at the perverse block that’s Seshadripuram police
station. He offered an escort home on the Hoysala van and I refused as I knew the police by
now. When I left the DSO was muttering something like ‘ahankaara’ – his wrong
interpretation of ego. This folder shows the kind of noise and lewd dancing that was seen on
our street on August 30, 2009…
When I tried complaining in person to the Police Commissioner, Shankar Bidari, on
September 5, 2009, I was aghast at his PA’s language over the ‘false complaint’ of
some woman in a loud voice. I strictly mentioned I got there to meet the commissioner
and not listen to nonsensical foul-mouthing.
I had waited empty-bellied up to 12 pm so his press conference could be over and he could
talk to me. The officials made women stand in a line at his office entrance – there were only
two of us! Shankar Bidari rudely asked me give a written complaint again or return at Janata
Darshan! He said he could not help me as it would question the ‘freedom of movement’ of
others and refused to look at my video evidence. Obviously, assisted trespass or vandalism in
the name of religion turned a fundamental right! I was convinced the police had done this in
absolute vengeance and decided to move court and never call them again.
I just hope they don’t say they ever saw me, so the evidence below:
pol com.jpg
The video of office after I moved out with the ‘help’:
September 2009 was another spate of lunacy by the Jain temple...Our helplessness aggravated
them. But by now, since I was sure the police was instigating as much trouble as possible for
my family, I did not complain.
The september 6, 2009 videos.
A Shirdi Sai baba procession was directed by the police into our road, in September.
No way out for justice and with the torment increasing, I placed a plea with Lokayukta.
Justice Mr Santosh Hedge said, “These people are cruel. If they know you have placed a
complaint here, they’ll worsen it for you. Give a complaint on plain sheet. The upalokayukta
will take the matter up with grade 2 officials. Don’t tell me anything more about the people
in my department. I know everything. We’ll see what can be done.” That was actually the
first honest assurance by an non-corrupt person. I was a nervous wreck sitting in his office
as I received the news my maternal aunt was seriously ill [cancer]. Each document I made
where I had to say what the police had done here, my hands shook. Again, not every
policeman is like the ones in Seshadripuram police station or like the commissioner. My
experience with these people has been torture.
The Lokayukta took an anonymous petition:
CASE NUMBER: COMPT/UPLOK/BCD/424/2009 – The receipt is file:
Lokayukta receipt.jpg
They handed me a receipt on 28/08/2009. They had no jurisdiction over errant trusts but
said they would question the officials involved. Did my neighbours care for any of these?
Things worsened back here...
Meanwhile in November, Moolchand Nagotra had booked Fortis hospital to conduct medical
camps!!! Loudspeakers and occupying the road again!! What I felt bad about was, how could
Fortis participate in political stunts? If they had a service motive, why disturb the residential
area? At least they could have told him not to use loudspeakers disturbing people. If there is
no political motive, why such vulgar loudness? They could have done it privately. The videos
of that day which was ‘comparatively less noisy’ but ridden with loudspeakers:
Another problem began. When the neighbours quarrelled and I yelled back, they began
publicising that. Later on I put on TV to avoid listening to them and they called the police for
that. This video shows Mr Kalaji Rao who complained against the motor in our house, sitting
and reading peacefully in his balcony through the band of Jain temple on November 2, 2009.
He is happy with live bands, granite and marble cutting but yelled at the women of our house
when a motor ran [particularly when my father was out], and placed a complaint of domestic
noise with the Seshadripuram police. He’s peaceful with live bands on this video:
Video of November 2, 2009
He’s happily watching the procession and peeping on this Video :
september 4,2008,night, ganesha procession
He never complained on the granite/marble-cutting of three and ten years duration, each:
constructed in front of our house...And Kalaji was quite ok with it.
Needless to say, the police that helped the ‘cultural’ torture, came to our house to investigatewhen he complained! He was running a power drill in his house for a renovation from August
2009 to January 2010 and we had loud banging noise and drilling sound going on. Kalaji
coolly complained on our ‘motor’ and the police arrived on December 30, 2009. It’s difficult
to say what transpired between them. I was given the explanation this policeman was a
‘transferred official’ but I don’t know how the police department has no record/log of my
case. It was vexatious entry with malicious intent to intimidate. This was the first policeman:
Sometime later, on December 30, 2009, my neighbour Mr Moolchand Nagotra entered our
house when I was alone ...Video -
I wanted him to say who he was clearly and when he was rude, began recording. He’s told,
“You have learnt to make blackmail no?" trespassing into our house! He was probably doing exactly that [blackmailing] to us and we had not noticed it. My father telephoned him and
asked why he did not speak to the man of the house in his office and chose to target a lone
woman, he threatened my father ‘with consequences’. My father filed a case of trespass on
him with the Seshadripuram police station.
He came to question a ‘motor’, which Kalaji Rao probably had asked him to do, as the sound
could not even reach Moolchand’s house! Our domestic motor is shielded by his walls and
we don’t keep the loudspeakers or drums openly on the streets like him. He had organised
the noise of the Jain temple which Kalaji Rao enjoyed and encouraged. But now they had
conspired with the police [where we had asked for help] and together, they targeted us. The
judicial process of the country up to the apex court was nothing for them. They had their own
law that they dictated on everybody. The police assisting them may have ‘reasons’ I cannot
fathom too.
In 2009, Moolchand Nagotra began giving cards for 3 kg free rice and crowds of poor people
gathered, to collect it, which increased nuisance as he cheated on his promise. The mob was
dispersed violently by the police, which they refuse to acknowledge now.
When Chief Minister Yeddyurappa came to pray at the Subrahmanya temple to pray for New
Years day, my father spotted him forcing the CM to enter his temple! The Chief Minister
could not ‘discriminate’ and suddenly he was forced to go there for a while. Moolchand’s
political stunts increased by the day.
We cannot fall further prey to the nonsense and intimidation to suppress our resistance.
Evidence by domestic help Mrs Jayalakshmi, that he gave these cards:
Two police officials came to enquire about criminal intimidation on me on December 31,
2009 and I don't know whether a FIR or charge-sheet was made. Then I got to know
something had transacted between the neighbours and police – they just probably faked
listening. The woman police was shown all the videos of violence and vandalism around the
area but I did not know she had been to my house to create problems for me!
The police officials are seen on photos:
On Jan 1, 2010, Moolchand Nagotra’s terrace was equipped to rip our building with their
celebrations – the person who has problems with motors and has created noise and
intimidated us for 10 years!
The guests danced vibrating the common wall and we got heckled and booed if we
we were seen at our windows. So, I tried to figure out if it was a bhajan again and it was
movie songs this time. It went on till 1.00 am.
Now the police was relieved. My family could be tortured and we would not even
complain!!! How convenient.
On January 13, 2010, Kalaji and family tried framing me by provoking when only my mom
and me were home [They say it's worthless to talk to us and begin swearing on the following
videos].This is done to film us if we did anything provoked by them. After all, my mom was
not violent. She turned giddy when she was hammered by questions of Abhishek’s wife.
Bully Abhishek began calling me a 'stupid arse' and his wife said, "Film other men." I did
not know the stalker Abhishek was her husband and she came accusing me asking why I
filmed his car without silencer when he tried intimidating my family with it.
He started the car, then looked at me, sput and hurled abuse when I got out with a camera,
as there was a horrible noise, to find out what happened. This was done to pull me out of
the house to frame me. His wife then began speaking in an advisory manner about ‘respect to
elders’ and when I said, “I know”, she realised I knew what they had been up to and began
saying, “You have no right to comment on me.” She had followed us to our gate, we are seen
inside our house and then her family members came out to pass nasty comments on videos
Her mother-in-law began filming me brandishing their camera. Then the grandparents
Kalaji Rao and his wife came in to swear at us. Two women from my house [me and my
mother] had to take the intimidation as the men and women in their house screamed at us.
Kalaji called me a ‘saand’ and his wife ‘bawdy’. Their daughter-in-law told me to stop
I did not know their ‘renovation’ from August 2009 to now, was a ‘fight’ against us! It had
been organised with Moolchand’s noise, by the sadistic police and neighbours, to silence me
into not complaining.
Their everyday routine of provoking, filming me and yelling left me in a horrible state of
anxiety for hours and these videos are just a sample. When they tried framing me trying to
prove I was at fault and began abusing me, out of habit, I filmed them.
My father was out on an MRPL audit and those moments were used by Kalaji and his family.
Kalaji calls me a ‘saand’...
...and Mrs Kalaji calls me ‘bawdy.’[That’s what I gather – I don’t follow Marathi. Their other
abuses I could not really record through 2007-2009, each time, I would just scream back and
run into the house for shelter]
Unfortunately the problems caused by them seemed to escalate. Dirty water and waste was
thrown at our entrance on Feb, 2, 2010. First the stalker Abhishek started his car without
silencer and then water was thrown. My parents usually got targeted with water before this
enclosure was made.
After doing this, their set-up with the police was executed with finesse. Kalaji Rao and his
grandson Abhishek complained to the police who came and shouted at us on Feb 3, 2010,and shook their hands and left. It was a complaint about our ‘AC’ this time [earlier he
had complained we use a motor although he does too]. The police said the power drills were
needed, not our domestic motor. [We don’t have an AC only a motor – we cannot afford
AC like Moolchand].
Then we questioned about the dirty stuff thrown into our house and Kalaji Rao lied they did
not do it and the male official on snapshot smilingly reported that to me. He then told our domestic help to throw water into their house and then advised her that the
home-owners would get together and forsake her later – she should take care, implying that
she should not trust us and speak on our behalf. There was clear-cut evidence the police
and neighbours had been corrupting anyone who supported us, to turn against us. They had
been creating situations using domestic helps and people who provided utility services to gain
information on us and to scare us showing what would happen if they were antagonised.
I wondered why the police had targeted our family with the neighbours. BBMP worker
Lakshmamma whom they had tutored to watch the show stood next to the women of our
house, smiling gleefully. The female official seen on snapshot who had been told everything about our case stated, “The police department has other
work than just bothering about your house.”
I asked her why the married man, Abhishek, was busy filing complaints of ‘domestic noise’
installing drills and intimidating women next door, bringing in police like herself. He should
be in a gainful occupation at that time of the day. She said, “It’s his personal issue.”
By now I was convinced that from the day in 2007, when I complained about domestic
violence and public nuisance, the police had been revealing that to the neighbours and
crafting a plan each time to victimise me. The neighbours would get aggravated, there would
be no legal action against them and they were free to increase their violence on me. The
police would just sit back and enjoy seeing me complain and get intimidated and tortured.
Each time they hounded us, they came with an excuse that it was a new police official who
had come to investigate by mistake. There was no record of victims or crime as they were
plotting the crime with the neighbours. It was a conspiracy nurtured over years by the
Seshadripuram police station that increased the processions and tutored our criminal
neighbours to pester us. There had been no FIR or charge-sheet because they were causing
the noise, vandalism and intimidation to happen and suppression of evidence of violence on
women was a norm.
Power drill on open terrace Kalaji’s house is on video:
It’s noise into our house:
Basavaraju Aralguppi was the name given by the assistant sub-inspector involved and his
subordinates shook hands with the criminal neighbours. He advised me on the road to be nice
to neighbours! After the celebration, bully Abhishek took his car without silencer out at 10
pm and began intimidating us again...each night. Now that the police had given him full
licence and would support such activities he could gather any number of goons like himself,
comment on us and scare us every day with his family.
The water and dirt throwing continued as a right! It’s clear Kalaji’s hand recedes
after using our house as dustbin on this video:
study. I decided to go public about their criminality when things turned inhuman. Although
the temple’s marble-cutting noise or a truck rumbling and unloading tore us, my family was
quiet for around 10 years. The temple construction and small live bands began six years back
and Moolchand began construction of his house 10 years back. So he occupied the area for
about a decade and slowly grew like cancer.
The ‘renovation’ at Kalaji’s began before August 2009 for a 30X40 sq ft area and continued
for more than seven months up to now. It begins loudly on hearing any voice from our
house after they discuss what they should do [Post ‘renovation’ rubble September 2009].
Kalaji’s house in August 2009 [we had presumed it was a private affair then, not a ‘fight’]:
The Munisuvratswami Jain Trust which Moolchand organised, conducted auctions ‘in the
name of God’ then: Video of 2007:
There’s an announcement of auction bid from ‘ikkis hazaar’ [INR 21000] to ‘ek lakh’ [1
lakh] on road! I don’t know how usurping the road for this purpose creating nuisance is legal.Moolchand’s lorries unloaded after 12.00 am as the construction of the temple is
‘unending’ and may continue next year too:
Through 2007, 2008 and 2009, we took it, complaining to the police in futility:
The photo above shows mortar machines brought in each time the temple had to be extended.
I don’t know how he notices our domestic noise when we were not even spotted by him on
our street that he has drove us out of, every day, creating this din.
These neighbours had tutored many shops in a circumference of five roads to refuse to give
anything to our family. That included saying, “You have to buy a TV if you want batteries”,
when we needed to buy rechargeable batteries. Every tailor said she had ‘US orders’, so she
could not take mine! Most shops are owned by Marwaris too. They influence everybody in
their neighbourhood into troubling us.
But after 2007, we stopped taking nonsense. My family has been singled out for harassment.
Now I can’t run out anywhere – every place had ‘cultural’ or ‘political’ loudspeakers.
So I have to stay home and fight it out, till we move out. The hijras increased their accosting
as this community increased in numbers, heckling us.
People were asked to hound women of our house and we were unaware until confirmed direct
attacks began from the neighbours.
I was in fact plucked at, by a pervert, in front of the Satyam office in Kumara Park in 2002
and had complained to the police, the first time. The Satyam Computers employees watched
calmly. That was the first MNC usurping of a residential area where taxis would be parked
haywire and nothing that happened to residents would be noted by the police. But as the
‘business people’ grew in numbers, particularly the Marwaris, the police grew to support
them very well. After that, these things did not remain stray incidents – women they could
not control would not be allowed to live in their homes, in peace. They territorially claim
streets and target young women. There are two reasons why nobody serves as witness to
crime on a woman:
1. Police suppress evidence as in my case and harass witnesses
2. The person witnessing may himself be the criminal like in the above mentioned
Such stray incidents grew over time and the scenario explained above arose slowly in our
neighbourhood. Well into April now, the neighbour’s torture continues:
Now the stalking to aggravate with the vehicles without silencers has increased. Trucks of
the current retail, Kalaji has rented his place to, come at night – nobody questions him –
he sits triumphantly staring from his balcony presuming he can abuse anybody and get away
with it...Video of truck at night:
Now, construction workers observe our family, just when we are out, and act as informants
or turn noisy outright:
Vehicles are parked without authorisation way beyond midnight to cause panic...the number
plate of a vehicle can be seen on photograph – the video shows it was parked beyond 12.00
am on April 10, 2010. That day it was not removed at noon too although the Hoysala van
went past with inmates calmly observing our house. The vehicle was parked there from noon,
April 9, 2010, for a whole day. [KA02 P7249]
Now we are sure the police have been appointed by the government only to support goons.
Although this might sound discriminatory - the rate at which Marwaris purchase prime
property is higher than other communities in Kumara Park area. This causes fake-increase in
property value. Marwaris buy up property creating distressing life situations for others. The
person they render homeless tries to buy a central property and depends on loans, as he does
not have the income these people have, and such a home is baited by them. So they can make
their prey indebted and take away his land. Ours is one case. My parents bought a house
when the price was affordable for the middle class. It took them two decades to pay off loans.
Now they have to sell the house we are staying in, so our parents can get property in the city
centre as they cannot manage life in the city peripheries – they are old. Moolchand is making
us suffer so we give our home up for a low price and leave.
[Over the last five years, Marwaris have bought at least eight properties just on 3rd Cross]
My family knows we cannot live here in peace anymore but we need help for a year till we
move out. My mother had to handle too many things after recovery from vertigo. My parents
are finalising the land deal to construct a new house. My father is over 70 and we have no
help, so the women of the house decided to face things. The total cost of land deal can be
paid off with loans which can be settled selling the house we are in. We need money for the
cost of construction and some money for help to parents consequent to decadent health. The
cost of construction may come to INR 80 lakh and the bills will at least be 20 lakhs if my
parents survive for a decade. It will help if Munisuvratswami trust could pay it up as
compensation. We need a minimum of 80 lakhs to stay out of debt. They have money to
throw on the streets and pay crores in auctions but we are not smugglers. After all we are
being kicked out of there because of their torture and we have spoken to people who will help
with the land deal. We will sell our current house to get the land but we need money to pay
for construction as we cannot afford the debt.
We need help from you to stay alive after we leave this house as we have decided to move
out unable to take the torture, in a year. Both my parents are hypertensive and my mother is
being treated for vertigo [which's aggravated by noise] by Dr Geetha Subramaniam at
I know how a complaint by an Indian woman goes to dust with all officials until someone
related to them faces a situation similar to this. Ours is a road infested with everyday
goondaism in the name of religion used in harassing the women of our house. The police here
are criminal. I used to work at Mallya hospital and tried entrance exams for Post graduation
and gave up on the dream of a further professional related to it, and personal life, subject to
constant abuse. My family dissuaded me from continuing further as getting back to a toxic
atmosphere back home, after so much work, would kill me.
What we are more scared of is, what will life be like when we move out? Many people
deterred me from complaining further. My mother developed a fear for life and was afraid
what they would do to her daughter after the pointed attacks. They kept saying, “If you feel
everybody else is wrong, you are wrong,” and intimidating me. Iam not a legal expert to
know if I should ‘never complain against a person in uniform’ like my mother asked me to.
She is dead scared of them and began weeping on December 30, 2009, when Moolchand
trespassed into our house. She wanted to move out immediately. She began asking me not to
put on TV. We had a tiff as TV was protecting me from listening to quarrels and I refused.
But Iam trying to do everything on a daily basis to keep my ears safe like noise-cancelling
headphones and masking. I don’t think it’s just about noise – they may wish to kill us.
Although Vimochana and Mahila Ayoga wanted to help when I appealed to them, how could
they if the police was against it? When Vanita Sahayavani asked me to re-appeal at the
commissioner’s office, I refused. They did not have the jurisdiction for cases beyond the
Domestice Violence Prevention act, where they could counsel regarding marital problems
was what I was told. That means unmarried women will be harassed by any criminal and the
perverse police can support that creating their own laws.
Iam totally overwhelmed why Iam not ‘authorised’ to live in peace in my house and have
some questions:
1.Should the police frame a victim or help her? If they don’t, do they have a nexus with the
criminal? What if the police and neighbours try revenge in the new house we move into? The
Indian police is organised enough for that and has ingloriously intimidated many victims.
2.Can temples usurp entire roads in residential areas and trouble other residents? Don’t we
have rights? Will the commissioner’s family endorse this lewdness for their street in this
frequency? Will he quote the ‘freedom of movement’ or ‘measures against security lapse’
then? A minimum of 200 non-residents gather on the street and look at the women who don’t
like the retarded behaviour and complain against it. The same people may turn dangerous to
us, later on. The people who endorse these strangers on our street may intend to endanger us.
None of the lewd dancing or loudspeakers can be religious or cultural – they have nothing to
do with the moderation of Hinduism or peace of Jainism. A criminal set of police abetting
criminal behaviour on streets can hardly be called a cultural gathering. Should the law
specifically point out what nasty things the police should not assist around politics and
religion? Is there a monetary/political benefit to the police that may be harmed if they
control such vandalism? India loses more lives on pilgrimage stampedes and accidents than
terror attacks. Insanity being dubbed ‘pursuit of religion’ can play havoc particularly where
criminals play a role, like on my street. It’s the new age of religion based resorts meant for
illegal activities. Is the police equipped to turn extortion mafia on civilians, enforcing a police
state in Karnataka, where no court has any importance? If the police that had to protect stalks
and harasses, how should security be ensured for women? This case can be treated as police
sponsored non-custodial torture of years for my family.
3.What do we do regarding the vandalism in the name of religious and cultural events and
political rallies? Should there be restricted gatherings? What is the law regarding processions,
with no public decorum, entering residential areas containing women and children? The
police began the lewd processions in front of our house sharp 10 pm, after we complained
to NHRC giving videos where they had allowed processions from 1.30-2.30 am. Who will
interpret the law right for them? Is there any objectivity they are capable of? Or will they
stay criminal? After all, not every woman can wait with a camera to detect circumstantial
evidence for each crime committed on her, especially, by the police?
[In fact I had complained to the police that I was clobbered on the Subrahmanya temple street
in 2005, while getting back home from my aunt’s house, at night. I had to care for after an
allergic reaction. Whether it was recorded by the police, only they can reveal. No
investigation was begun as I had no cuts on my body. To date I don’t know who arranged for
that clobbering].
4.What should women like me do, when the police does what it did to me? Constant
degradation will break them and kill them – what is the redressal to that? What if they try
killing me when there’s a verdict or when this plea reaches the bench? Religion is being used
as an anti-woman tool in my case. If police officials are indicted/suspended/tranferred,
because of what they did to me, they’ll try revenge using the goondas whom they are already
well-acquainted with. How should my family deal with such a circumstance? A family friend
asked, “The investigatory and enforcing agency for the courts is the Police. If the police are
against you, your case as another ‘plea by the aggrieved’ which will be referred back to the
same reprimanded ACP and commissioner so things worsen. How do you hope to get
Another person said, “A case of murder like Pratibha’s that was household talk took four
years of trial and she never got justice. Yours is minor compared to that – it will never get
resolved.” May be he meant the police don’t take it seriously if the woman appealing is
alive. They have already sponsored abuse perpetuated by women bullies and male goons on
me and advised me to endure it.
5. Will the verdict do justice and enforce compensation for us? Most cases of criminality on
women end up making the perpetrator famous and the woman would have ended her life or
would be killed. No victim gets compensated. When Iam witness to domestic violence and
the police aggravates the violent criminal against me, revealing my name in the guise of
making peace, what should I do?
With condolences to the genius of Justice Shri R.C. Lahoti and Justice Shri Ashok Bhan who
made the Supreme court regulation of 2001 possible, to prevent noise, after the hearing of
petition against noise by Anil Mittal, in 1998. This is my case where noise was used as a
tool to make me helpless, so I could be harassed by the police who wanted revenge as I had
complained to NHRC about their abetting dangerous processions. They tried to frame me as
they don’t like my complaints! They have reversed the motive behind the regulation, very
effectively. Hope they don’t enter our premises, recklessly, after this appeal.
We thought 2010 would be better and tried to move out. They clamped the sale of our older house [they are real estate mafia] and began other problems for us along with the police getting more aggressive processions. They arranged for criminals to escape in cars without number plates so we could not film who troubled us.
But on 27/08/2011, the sharma residence was attacked and the women in the family were beaten up. Criminal Abhishek Bondade and his wife's family attacked the sharma house at 9.30 pm on 27/08/2011 - It's in 3rd cross, Kumara park west, Bangalore. They criminally intimidated the sharmas for 5 years with coercion of police as proved earlier and on this day, entered the sharma's residence and beat up the family. They caused a head injury to the younger daughter hitting her with stone, chappals and a pot that they broke at the sharmas residence. They stoned the older daughter, thrashed her to grab her camera while filming and then twisted it and thrashed her mother. They have been charged under sections 324, 354, 355 and 448 of IPC. The police has omitted sections 452 and 307 and may add them later. The offenders are out on bail, faking illness and are intimidating us again as bail is easily available in India and they have political influence.
made the Supreme court regulation of 2001 possible, to prevent noise, after the hearing of
petition against noise by Anil Mittal, in 1998. This is my case where noise was used as a
tool to make me helpless, so I could be harassed by the police who wanted revenge as I had
complained to NHRC about their abetting dangerous processions. They tried to frame me as
they don’t like my complaints! They have reversed the motive behind the regulation, very
effectively. Hope they don’t enter our premises, recklessly, after this appeal.
We thought 2010 would be better and tried to move out. They clamped the sale of our older house [they are real estate mafia] and began other problems for us along with the police getting more aggressive processions. They arranged for criminals to escape in cars without number plates so we could not film who troubled us.
We complained to Mahila Ayoga and they referred the case to the same police - it was the same political muscle to abuse us again.
But on 27/08/2011, the sharma residence was attacked and the women in the family were beaten up. Criminal Abhishek Bondade and his wife's family attacked the sharma house at 9.30 pm on 27/08/2011 - It's in 3rd cross, Kumara park west, Bangalore. They criminally intimidated the sharmas for 5 years with coercion of police as proved earlier and on this day, entered the sharma's residence and beat up the family. They caused a head injury to the younger daughter hitting her with stone, chappals and a pot that they broke at the sharmas residence. They stoned the older daughter, thrashed her to grab her camera while filming and then twisted it and thrashed her mother. They have been charged under sections 324, 354, 355 and 448 of IPC. The police has omitted sections 452 and 307 and may add them later. The offenders are out on bail, faking illness and are intimidating us again as bail is easily available in India and they have political influence.
Seshadripuam police still supports Moolchand on September 18, 2011!
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